Remove Rip Off Reports – A Guide to Delete Rip Off Reports

May 12, 2024 by: joma12

Rip Off is a very strong website in the eyes of search engines like Google and is therefore very difficult to deal with. Once your name is on this website it will show up very high in your search engine rankings. Once this damaging website enters your search results it will stay ranked very high for your name until it is dealt with.

So, how do you deal with Rip Off Report when they have posted negative information about your business? Below is a list of options clients have told us they have considered in removing rip off report before they called us for help.

You could sue Rip Off Report – This is the first option most of our larger clients consider. The issue is that this is a losing proposition. Rip Off Report is protected by a law passed in 1996 called the Communications Decency Act or “CDA”. This protects them from any lawsuit based on the content they host about you. The short answer is you may be able to sue and win against the person who posted your Rip Off Report but you cannot successfully sue the website itself. Rip off Report has lost in court before but this was due to their business practices around what they call their Corporate Advocacy Program.
You could sue the person who posted your Rip Off Reports – This is a lawsuit you may win if you can prove what the person posted about you is false. The issue with this approach is how do you find the person and prove they posted the content? Most people do not use their real names but instead use aliases. You can often get a court order to force rip off report to turn over the person’s IP address but this will usually lead nowhere. You would have to get another court order to force the person’s Internet Service Provider to turn over their name and address. They may refuse to do this though. Even if you do get the end user’s real address you may find that they used one of several techniques to hide their real IP Address or they simply posted the rip off reports from the library or a coffee house. Now there is no trail. More often than not there is no trail to follow. You can spend months and tens of thousands of dollars to find out the person used an alias and hid their true location. Even if you do find them and win a lawsuit this is not going to remove your rip off report. Once content is posted to rip off report it becomes their property. The person who posted the rip off report does not have the ability to ever remove the rip off information.
You could change your name – It may sound odd at first but we do hear from a lot of clients who considered this option before we helped them. This really demonstrates how damaging ripoffreport can be. This website ruins people’s lives and businesses to the point that they feel the only choice left is to change their name and start all over again. The big issue with this approach is that the person who posted your rip off reports almost always finds out that you changed your name and they will cause more damage. They will post new rip reports with your new name and update their old posts linking your old and new names together. Now you look guilty because it looks to an outside observer as though you are trying to hide something. The best approach is to call us right away. We will help you fight rip off reports without having to change your name.

You could post Rebuttals to defend your name – This is the most common way our clients try to fight rip off report before they call us. They try to defend themselves on the very website that is causing them harm. This is a very bad idea for two reasons. The first reason is based on human nature and the way is set up. Each time you file a rebuttal the person who originally posted the negative information is instantly notified that you have updated the rip off report. Now they will come back to the website, read what you have posted to remove rip off report and fire back at you. You will read what they posted and write another rip off rebuttal. They will be instantly notified that you have added another update and they will come right back to the rip report. This cycle will keep repeating until you realize they are not going to stop. Most people who search your name and see a rip off report in your search results do not click on the link and bother to read the report. They see this negative link in your search results and the damage is done. If they do read the report and see all of the rebuttals and updates they will not know who to believe. They are not going to do business with you, with a rip off report.
The second problem with posting a rebuttal to your rip off report is the way it appears to search engines like Google. is a very strong website with the search engines before you post your update. After you post they now see this content as not only strong but now updated. Search engines love frequently updated content. If you post rebuttals you will strengthen your rip off reports in the eyes of the search engines. If you post multiple rip off rebuttals the issue compounds. We understand it is very difficult to read lies about you posted online and do nothing about it. You have to know that updating this type of negative information will hurt you in the long run.

You could do nothing – This is an understandable and common approach to dealing with rip off reports. Most people feel if they just wait it out they will remove rip off report and/or rip off reports will fade back deeper in their search results. This almost never happens with a strong website like In fact the opposite usually happens. This negative rip off report link keeps rising in your search engine results. This issue has to be dealt with. It is not going to go away by itself.

A common characteristic of a new rip off report is that they will stay ranked very high in your search engine rankings for the first week and then disappear for one or two weeks. At the end of this temporary disappearance the rip off link will return often at a higher position. If you have a new off report it is vital that you call us and we will remove rip off report. We employ some very powerful techniques to keep your rip off reports from ever reaching back to the primary pages of your search engine rankings. Even if your rip off report has been up for a long time, it’s important you contact us as possible. Time is critical when fighting against

About the Author:

Author writes regularly about Rip off report which is a sounding board for customers to post negative complaints about business on the internet.If you want to know more information about Report Rip Off, Off Report, Remove Rip Off Report, Rip Off Reports visit our site

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